Friday, October 8, 2010

The Beginning...

This year, I’ll be turning 30- years-old. I’ve been thinking about and dreading this since just before I turned 29. Why dread turning 30, you ask??? Well… I just feel like there’s so much in life that I haven’t accomplished. When I look at my life, I feel like I should be so much further. Yes, I’ve graduated college, purchased my first home, moved over 1,000 miles from everything that’s familiar to me, purchased my second home, etc, but, there’s just so much more to life than that. I want to be grounded in a real career, finally loose weight and keep it off, have a family, have some life adventures, do some things I’ve always thought about by have just taken any action.

In light of all of this, I plan to take the next decade of my life and make some substantial TRIUMPHS. I want to feel a sense of accomplishment when I hit 40. Anything that I’ve ever dreamt of, I want to have at least done all that I can to have achieved those clouds.

Now, I know that setting my mind to this, does not mean that I will always have sunshine and rainbows. I don’t expect perfection. I know there will be some times with dark clouds and storms, but I want to remain optimistic. That’s something that I normally let go of. And well… I have a made up mind that lost of things have to change in my life if I want some positive changes.

So… My first step is to make a list of the many things that I want to achieve throughout the third decade of my life. I’ve heard on many occasions in my life that if you don’t plan, you plan to fail. I don’t think I’ve ever really had a life plan. I’ve just had many thoughts and ideas and I’ve never come up with steps to reach life goals. Well… This time is going to be different!!! It has to be different!!! I’m going to make my list, check if twice, and come up with a plan to get EVERYTHING completed!!!! This all starts now!!! No need to until the actually 30th Birthday!!!! Procrastination is another one of my issues and I’ve got to over come that too!!!

So, today is a brand new day. Biologically, it may not be the beginning of my 30s, but, today is the day that I start living to make my 30sTRIUMPHANT!!!!!

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