Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Getting Down to Business – Part 1 Spiritual Improvement

I’ve begun to make an attempt to get some things done in my life.

In preparation for writing down my thoughts for this blog entry, I had to review “The List” again.  I think constantly consulting my goal list will help me to knock them out.  What I realized, I have started on several goals without really thinking too hard.  So, in my moment of sharing, let me begin with my Spiritual Goals.

Spiritual Improvement
1. read the entire bible

A friend of mine saw my list and made a suggestion, when it comes to reading books, try audio books.  Why not??  I can spend some time reading some actual bound books and digital copies, but listening while I work or drive or whenever still lets it get in my head.  So, she volunteered to lend me her copy of “The Bible Experience”  This will be an excellent opportunity for me to get in my bible read.  By no means is it going to be substitute for actually Bible reading time and study.  But, it does give me a starting point.  It even gives me a chance to hear sections that I want to dive into and explore even more.  Super excited about this!!  Now, if she would just get it to me.  :-)

Spiritual Improvement
2. join, attend, and become active in church, consistently
3. have a consistent personal bible study and prayer

So, this is something that I’m really going to have to work on.  While I have a church home, I am not active at all.  I have really been very disinterested in doing anything other than attending morning worship.  Even that sometimes, I have been eager to skip out on.  Now, I do yearn to have a deeper relationship with Christ, but I have been having a real struggle with getting on board with doing the right thing.  Not that I’ve been going around drinking, smoking, cursing, robbing and killing.  I have just not been motivated to really grow my relationship.  I’ve been doing the bare minimum.  I whisper a prayer in a time of need.  I pray with my daughter at bedtime, I say grace with my son before a bottle.  But not doing anything at all to let God know that I’m serious about him.  I haven’t really been spending time with Him.  I only go to Him when I need something.  So, I’m sure God is a bit irritated with my pop in and out relationship with Him.

Truthfully, I don’t want it to be that way.  I yearn to have my zeal back!  I want to have God be able to trust me again.  I struggle to “find the time”.  It seems that the businesses and troubles of life have consumed me.  Well, it doesn’t just seem that way, that is the truth of the matter.

So, how can I fix it all?  I’ve thought about and even promised myself that I would begin to go to Bible Study weekly, wake up in time enough to make it to Sunday School.  Now, pay attention during Sunday Service…  that’s a whole different story.  I find it difficult to keep a 2 ½ year old in check, look over at a 10 month old and hear and retain the sermon.  (Flash thought… Why not record service?  Maybe I can listen to the sermon on my own time.  I think I will try that out.  I’ll power up my tablet and let it run.)  Now for the getting up for Sunday School and actually making it to Bible Study, that’s an entirely different story.

Perhaps, when it comes to Wednesday nights, with my 30 minute earlier schedule at work, maybe I can make it on time.  I was finding it difficult to get off work at 5:30 pm and make it across town with 2 young children.  I’ll have to pack a bag for them on Tuesday evening (have snacks, bottles, toys, books and change of clothes ready) and head straight for church.  I’ll try that out tonight and tomorrow.

 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 King James Version (KJV)

My spiritual relationship no longer is all about me.  It’s also about ensuring that my children have a good foundation in Christ.  So, that also means that I should get them involved in church.  Now, my 10 month old son can only sit and smile right now, but my 2 ½ year old seems to be a born leader and loves doing things that involve one of her favorite phrases, “Thank you Jesus.  Amen.”  At mealtime, this ends her grace, while riding in the car it often is part of lyrics to a self made song and at bedtime, it means she is ready for her prayers.  I love that my baby girls is so energized with a love for God!  I want both of my children to maintain this type of zealous energy towards Christ.  So, I am going to have to find some way to get them involved.  My first step with my daughter is to have her participate in the Father’s Day program.

I’ve said a mouth full.  My original intent was to hit a little on everything I feel like I’ve started on.  But, that seems to be entirely too much to share at one time.  So, I will do this in sections.

So, here’s a sneak peak at some of the areas I’ve already started working on.

Personal Improvement
4. become a better housekeeper
5. cook at least 3 times a week
9. read 120 books (at least 12 books per year)

17. pay off credit cards

23. get my masters degree

26. find a career path and job that I enjoy and can remain in until retirement
28. conquer my fear of being a teacher

Travel & Travel Related
36. travel to 30 interesting places within the state of Texas (or current state of residence)

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